
Emission webcast: a necessary explanation.

First of all, it is important to know that webcast or broadcast mainly want to say the same thing. These terms define a broadcast data to a set of machines connected to a network.

The webcast is a media distributed on the Internet using technology presentation media streaming to distribute a single content source to many listeners / viewers in simultaneous. A webcast broadcast can be either streamed live or on demand. Very often, the webcast is broadcast on the internet.

The webcast is also widely used in the commercial sector for relations with investors presentations (such as annual general meetings), e-learning (to transmit seminars) or for other communication activities.

The capacity using cheap / accessible technology has allowed independent media to develop. There are many independent outstanding webcast shows that are regularly posted online. Often produced by the citizens in their homes, giving them the opportunity to cover many interests and subjects. There are many webcasts programs about computers, technology and information.

The webcast is different from the podcast is that the show is broadcast live webcast while the podcast simply refers to multimedia files placed on the Internet that can be watch or listen to any time. Is it possible to speak of webcasting and streaming? This is possible because webcasting and streaming are intertwined because the webcast is a form of streaming. It is possible to disseminate contained the live webcasting (we can also speak of livestreaming), the webcast requires very often post-production work to be used for commercial purposes. The content of these emissions are so often for business partners, investors, journalists or employees. Webcasting is also used by specialized and independent media in order to disseminate their own webcast emissions. A webcast is like a television broadcast except that it will be broadcast on the internet. It is a solution to seriously consider for conferences and events from small to large sizes. The webcast program is a great tool to highlight a business or events to partners, sponsors or participants. Produced videos can also be used later on.